Halitosis in Elderly (A Pilot Study in Tresna Werdha Melania Nursing Home)
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BACKGROUND: Elderly is a person who has reached the age of more than 60 years old. Elderly generally experiences a decreased in oral hygiene, number of teeth, mucosal sensitivity of the oral cavity and xerostomia. Xerostomia can cause the decreased in oral hygiene and cause an increase in bad breath (halitosis).
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to provide information about halitosis score in elderly.
METHODS: This was descriptive research with cross sectional approach. The numbers of subject were 30 and obtained by quota sampling. Data collection was done by anamnesis and by measuring halitosis score, using Tanita breath checker. Tanita breath checker is an innovative palm-sized monitor that able to detect and measure the presence of volatile sulfur compound (VSC) by displaying the level of halitosis.
RESULTS: Distribution of halitosis frequency in elderly based on gender were more female than male. Distribution of halitosis frequency in elderly based on halitosis score showed that there were fourteen subjects with a halimeter score of 2 while other scores were less than fourteen subjects. Halitosis frequency distribution based on anamnesis, subjects who had bad breath complaints were more than those who did not have bad breath.
Conclusions: Based on the results, it can be concluded that halitosis in elderly were caused by many factors, such as dental caries and the habit of the subject who liked to eat smelly foods.
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